model sheet

For Hermès new fragrance Cabriole, in collaboration with french illustrator Alice Charbin, Hermès came to us with the launching of a 2D animation film. Inspired by visuals and narratives from children books, the film recounts the friendship between a playful child and a young horse. It could also indicate a first encounter in the youth of the two protagonists (the horseman and the horse carriage) from original Hermes logo.
The main challenge was the adaptation of this rough and childlike illustration style to animation. To maintain these « accidents » and deliberate clumsiness while enjoying fluidity in movement. In order to stay as true as possible to her style, Alice Charbin provided a large quantity of sketches. These studies break down each action and movement, and were used as a strong basis to build the animations. Every detail mattered to recover the natural flow of Alice’s drawings, recreated digitally. Line thickness, pastel and ink texturing, trembling hand-drawing, etc.